Executive Level Jobs for Naval Officers

When I began my transition out of the Marine Corps, everyone kept asking me “So what are you going to do?” And to be honest, I had no clue. I was looking for executive level jobs.

I was a Naval Academy graduate with six years of service in the Corps as a Public Affairs Officer. For those of you in the military, you understand that they typically give you a list of choices, but they ultimately decide what job you get. So when asked the question, “What are you going to do?” I didn’t have my list to refer to… and the endless possibilities were a little overwhelming.

Later I found out that not having an answer to that question right-off-the-bat was okay. It’s actually pretty common, and the fact that I was undecided actually worked out in my favor because I was more open-minded while researching opportunities. That’s where I came across a unique company called Tech Qualled that offered something significantly different than all of those “head hunter” agencies that were constantly filling my inbox.

Tech Qualled is a company whose mission is specifically oriented toward finding transitioning veterans and training them to be successful sales representatives, at the executive level, in the high-tech industry.

When I first began talking to the TQ team, I made it known that I had very limited experience in the technical realm. To my surprise, they were completely okay with that. Their focus is more on the other qualities that a former service member already embodies. Tech can be taught, they said, but integrity, leadership, discipline, drive and motivation are much more difficult to teach.

After a few discussions with the TQ team, I was interested, but not completely convinced it was for me. So I reached out to two good friends of mine that I trusted, and who had previously gone through the TQ training pipeline and had been placed with extremely credible high-tech companies. I was amazed at the response I received from them both. They had nothing but great things to say about the training and the overall experience. They said that the training they had received set them up for success in their current job and that they couldn’t be happier with where they are now.

After that I was sold. I joined the Tech Qualled program and went through a grueling eight-week online training program and a two-week in-person sales “boot camp.” It was challenging but incredibly rewarding.

One of the most beneficial aspects of the training was the comradery I built with the other members of my cohort. When we met in Dallas for the two-week sales boot camp, it was as if we had all been friends for years. We instantly bonded, partly because we were all transitioning veterans who came from similar backgrounds, but also because the people in each cohort were top performers from their respective branches of service. It felt like we were one cohesive unit, all working toward a similar goal. It was something that I didn’t expect once I got into the civilian world. Having a group of people, a unit, who I can call on at any time.

Tech Qualled has provided me with an amazing opportunity that, on my own, I never would have found. Having gone through the training pipeline, and having found a company that I’m extremely excited to work for, I can honestly say that I couldn’t be happier with the path that I’ve chosen. I encourage anyone who is undecided on where to go with your future to look into Tech Qualled. For more information, visit www.staging.techqualled.flywheelsites.com.