June 2nd, 2016

How do Veterans Sell Information Technology?

How do Veterans Sell Information Technology?

www.compton-recycling.com levitra without prescriptionYou can’t take a quantum leap forward without taking some risks, and you don’t really develop quickly if you don’t allow yourself to get outside your comfort zone.

Spoiler: You should expect to be extremely uncomfortable at many points in this journey.

information technologyIn the first seven weeks of the Launchpad Academy program, you’re going to be presented with a lot of information and given a lot of assignments and challenges to help you understand the information technology industry. It’s going to be
like learning a foreign language for many of you. It’s going to be tough. It’s going to be demanding on your time.

The tradeoff? You’re going to come out the other side with a solid, broad-based understanding of what the high tech industry is all about, major product categories, current trends, and some of the major players that participate. That’s the knowledge base from a product and industry standpoint.

From a sales process standpoint, we also give you a foundation – the hard skills – of what it takes to be successful in sales. This includes what the sales process looks like, some best practices for executing in each stage, and key indicators to judge successful salespeople.

The learning process is highly interactive, with quick feedback loops. Our candidate selection process results in the synergizing effect of participating in a mind-lab with some of the brightest transitioning veterans in the country.

For those of you that will also participate in our Boot Camp, we complement the online program with two intensive weeks that are full of role-playing opportunities. You get the chance to apply what you’ve learned from an academic standpoint to live situations, and get real-time coaching from industry experts and seasoned, successful salespeople.

To further illustrate, let’s let the candidates speak for themselves…

  • “I was pushed way outside of my comfort zone.” – Army Ranger Training Battalion Officer
  • “I grew more in the past two weeks than in the last two years of my military career.” – Navy Information Warfare Officer
  • “It really woke me up. I started being much more authentic in my role playing, and I think my classmates would agree. Even if it was painful at the time, it really helped me be more open and honest.” – Navy Nuclear Submarine Officer
  • “Tech Qualled taught me how to coordinate between departments (Finance, Operations, IT, etc) to truly sell “across” an organization.” – Marine Corps Public Affairs Officer
  • “The two-week “Sales Boot Camp” was one of the best experiences of my life. By the end, each of us had refined our skills and become marketable and valuable candidates ready to succeed in the high-tech sales world. The company I decided to work for has given me autonomy, perks and the opportunity to be as successful as I want, with no ceiling.” – Army CounterIntelligence Senior Enlisted Leader

So we are going to push you, we’re going to make you uncomfortable, but you’re going to finish this journey prepared to be truly successful.

If you are energized by the prospect of a challenging journey of personal growth, we highly encourage you to consider a career in high tech sales, and contact us to start a discussion about your future.