GladToBeHere ~ On May 16, 2020, Tech Qualled Cohort 20 began their 7 week veteran high-tech sales training program, Launchpad Academy, just days after the NBA, NHL, and NCAA postponed, eventually cancelling, their 2019-2020 seasons and tournaments due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Coronavirus. President Trump issued guidelines that same day urging people to avoid social gatherings of 10 or more. He also restricted discretionary travel, the first Coronavirus death was announced in Texas, and schools across America began to transition to distance / at-home learning.

As we learned to merge the words “Social Distancing” into our every day vernacular, the high performance leadership team at Tech Qualled quickly shifted gears to create their very first All-Virtual Launchpad Academy. Cohort 20 stood at the forefront of this dramatic shift in the high tech training business.
Day 1 was nothing short of success! As a surprise to the team for all of their hard work during the past 6 weeks, John “Gucci” Foley, former lead solo pilot of the Blue Angels, greeted the team very enthusiastically. Cohort 20 was 100% locked into their very own Zoom session with a real live Blue Angel. After John’s time with the Blue Angels, he discovered his second passion in leadership and keynote speaking. His #GladToBeHere message has been shared with over one thousand corporations, over 10,000 leaders, and over 1 million people.
John took us on a video journey behind the scenes inside the Blue Angel Debriefing Room. He shared his thoughts on operational excellence, confidence in uncertain times, and high performance sales tools and teams. John helped to show our cohort how to create AWE in every aspect of their everyday lives. He bridged the military and the civilian gap by using a very simply Connect, Align, and Commit exercise consisting of answering two very important, yet simple, although deep, questions.
“Who am I?”
“Why am I glad to be here?”
During the meeting, John got up, walked over to his bookshelf, and shared his helmet from when he was on the Blues. The bright yellow helmet is significant because the best of the best surrounded him as he aimed high for excellence. Cohort 20’s time with John was truly amazing!
A special thank you to Ed Healy and John’s Director of Client Relations, Gregg “SUGAR” Wynne, for giving this spectacular gift to our terrific Cohort 20 team. You are truly appreciated. We are grateful for you.
About John Foley
John “Gucci” Foley, of John Foley Inc., is a former lead solo pilot of the Blue Angels. John is a top rated leadership keynote speaker, gratitude guru, and expert in the how of high performance teams. He graduated from the Sloan Fellows Program, the world’s first general management and leadership education program for mid-career experienced managers, from Stanford School of Business. His exciting, rare journey inspires awe, triggering keynote audiences to take action and rethink what they believe is possible. You can follow John on his social media channels, listed below.
Instagram John Foley Inc. and John Foley Glad To Be Here
Facebook John Foley Inc.
Twitter John Foley Glad To Be Here
YouTube John Foley Inc
About Tech Qualled
We Identify Top Talent | We Train Better | We Serve Leaders in the High Tech Space
At Tech Qualled, we believe that enhancing the lives of military veterans will bring greater prosperity to everyone. Tech Qualled does not believe that placing; recruiting; or simply finding jobs for them is the right answer.
In 2015, Tech Qualled set out to uncover new, innovative ways to affect the outcomes and opportunities afforded to the veteran community. Additionally, Tech Qualled identified the high technology space as being an incredibly undermanned industry due to unprecedented growth.
Tech Qualled made a commitment to create a program, an Academy, which provides veterans with a personalized learning environment that promises access to new and previously barricaded career paths in high technology. Since then, Tech Qualled’s scope has expanded to now serve early-in-career talent in hopes of ushering in a new, more prepared sales force.
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